4 myths about car maintenance: busted!
4 myths about car maintenance: busted!
Car maintenance must be a priority aspect for every driver who wishes to enjoy for a longer period of timethe comfort of investing in a new car. Nobody wants their car to be unavailable until the mechanic remedies the possible malfunctions. That’s why there is a series of techniques that can help you maintain your car so that it functions properly for a longer period of time. Find out below the 4 most frequent myths on car maintenance that you have probably heard when talking to other drivers:
1. Using gas with a higher octane
One of the most common myths says that using gas with a high octane, more expensive, offers more power to engines. Actually, the only cars that need gas with a high octane are those used in sports competitions because they are used in extreme conditions.
The octane actually indicates the resistance of gas on ignition (spontaneous combustion). Using gas with a high octane (over 90) is useful only if the manufacturer recommends it. If this is mentioned in the instructions book, the higher costs of choosing such a gasoline are not justified when maintaining your car.
2. Engine heat before starting a trip
More drivers choose to ”warm up” the engine before starting a trip, especially in cold days. It’s true that the engine works best at a higher temperature, but its performance can be easier reached through slight acceleration as soon as the car is started.
Easy engine racing is more effective to warm up the engine rather than pressing it while in neutral because it uses less gas and is done more rapidly. However, pay attention to this manoeuvre because racing as soon as you start moving can make you easily lose control of the wheel.
3. Replenishing fuel with additives
It’s true that any type of fuel can contain certain contaminants which can lead, in time, to engine wear, but using auxiliary additives is only an unjustified additional cost. Currently, any fuel already has special additives that improve its quality. Thus, first of all, you have to make sure you are using a quality fuel and not to put additives in.
4. Motor oil must be changes as often as possible
Engine oils today are more and more effective and manufactures’ tendency is to create more and more efficient products that can ensure proper engine function for longer.
Most equipment manufacturers recommend that oil change be done after 10.000 -15.000 km driven, but this is not the only indicator that must be taken into consideration. The quality of the lubricant, the traffic conditions and the oil level are equally important when you decide it’s time for an oil change or oil replenish.
Now that you know why the above myths do not help you with your car maintenance, the best solution you can apply for having a reliable car for longer is to respect the instructions of authorised equipment manufacturers, information that can be found in the car’s instructions book.